To Peep The Gloomy Night World in Makassar

Gloomy (adj : remang – remang), with flashing lights, is the common view of some parts of the city corner in Makassar. No one really knows since when this kind of view first appeared. But one thing sure is that this world has drown so many beautiful “flowers” accross South Sulawesi. Wearing bikini-like dress sometimes with fulsome (adj : berlebihan) make up are usually some girls who work in sex industry. They usually are referred as Commercial Sex Worker (PSK). Wikipedia defines a sex worker as a person who works in the sex industry. The term is used in reference to all those in all areas of the sex industry including those who provide direct sexual services as well as the staff of such industries.

Indonesia is one of the country whose youth engaged in sex industry is already in a red-alert stage. No wonder if the number of HIV/AIDS case in Indonesia has been rapidly increasing in the last 10 years. UN has just published 2012 World AIDS Day Report which revealed Indonesia’s low success in HIV prevention over the last 10 years. It disclosed (v : mengungkapkan) that the rate of new HIV infectios in Indonesia increased by more than 25 percent between 2001 and 2011. This was, of course, considered low. Indonesia has actually making efforts to press down the number of the HIV/AIDS over the islands but it seems it doesn’t work effectively. Using condom, for instance, is one of the attempts taken by Government to help eradicate (v : menghapus) or halt (v : menghentikan) the HIV/AIDS case in Indonesia. But the question of why does government allow such prostitution place to be established remains to be answered.

Since Makassar is predominantly a muslin society with strong concerns about sex work and the use of condoms, another question rises. Why “religion” does seem to be a worthless feature for everyone here? Worse, those engaged in sex industry are mainly still under 18 years old. What are their purposes? Looking for money? Or simply surviving? Let’s say it’s for surviving. I have actually no ideas of their surviving style is. Does it take a lot of money to survive so that you have to sacrifice your only one dignity (n : kehormatan)? Looking for money? Do you really think that there is no more space for you out there to get a proper job? Difficult? But it’s worth trying, isn’t it? Plus, city provides more and better various jobs than country side where you come from.

Let’s take a peek in some PSKs’ night lives. In Makassar, Jalan Penghibur has long been known as one of several centers of prostitution practice. A lot of gloomy “stalls” camouflaged (v : disamarkan) as Singing house have been established and acknowldged by the local government. The owners have bagged (v : mengantongi) the official license to run this kind of business. Riri (disguised), for example, a 17-years old girl, has been a part of a prostitute industry since 2 years ago. She claimed that she’s doing this because of family’s sake. “I have to go to prostitute place because someone threatened my family that he will ruin our lives if I don’t follow his lust. It all started from there”, Riri uttered with some tears falling down from her cute eyes, leaving track in her face. Another case is beared (v : diderita) by Nini (disguised) who previously worked as a cafe singer. She was lured (v : diiming – imingi) going to be awarded a big house and millions of rupiah after having a sexual intercourse with a 30-years old man. But it was only for figment. Feeling ashamed, Nini lost her hope becoming a professional singer and started thinking that no more space for her anymore. So instead of turning back to the right path, she was hopelessly after more money from this activity. And she did gain much money.

Male-to-female transgender, waria, has also been known as another kind of PSK. Unlike the 100%-girl PSK, warias look really absurd because they appear like girls wearing sexy dress making their bodies look very repugnant (adj : menjijikkan) (for most of people). Warias usually hang out in fronf of Hero’s Tomb Park (Taman Makam Pahlawan) at Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. It seems their lives are not as good as their 100%-girl colleagues. Most of them work like other guys during the day and turn into someone else at night. They kind of live in two different world or simply called “amphibian”. They usually name themselves uniquely when the dark comes. Randy, for example, will be changed into Ririn or else. One of them was having a kind of interview with the author of this paper, it was Nina (disguised). Nina admitted that she has to come to this (being an amphibian) way because she has got no choices. She has to support her – and his – 2 children who go to elementary school. His (daytime) job is only a cleanser (cleaning service .red). And he can’t afford all his children’s need. That’s why he has to metamorphose to someone else at night to cope with his and his family’s life.

In her night job, she usually gets only Rp 10.000 to 50.000 per transaction. If she’s lucky, she sometimes earns more than one million a night. Her customers are men whose age ranges from 30 to 45 years old. So, should all the commercial sex workers remain the ones like the way they are now? Share your ideas!

Picture :
by Naskar F. Hansam | Secretary of HEC
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