Why Sex Education is Important?

One simple funny story perhaps could help us know the importance of sex education in our life especially to introduce it to the children. Here is the story:

A child: mommy, what makes your stomach bigger and what is it inside?
A mother: oh dear, there is a baby in mom stomach right now and he could be your brother.
The child suddenly becomes silent and cries and her mother could not stop her from crying. What makes the child cries is because she couldn’t imagine that how cruel her mother ate the baby.
A child: I don’t want to talk to mother because mother ate a baby.
A mother: just smiling and tried to explain it to her little girl.

Traditionally, children and adolescent were not given any information on sexual matters, with discussion of these issues being considered taboo. Sex is an important aspect of the life of a human being and almost all the people including children want to know about it especially when they grow up. Most of the information were obtained informally from friends and the media, and much of this information was of doubtful value.

It is much better to teach children about sex in school or in home rather letting them use other resources such as pornographic material and the internet. This is important because avenues such as the internet have a huge store of information that might be misleading and lead to misinformation.

In Indonesia formal sex education is taught as a full course as part of the curriculum in junior high school or high school but actually comprehensive sexuality education is a program that starts in kindergarten and continues through high school and it is depend on how far the children should know about sex. Schools have a significant role in imparting effective sex education to children and adolescents then how about family sex education?

Some parents couldn’t explain very well when their children ask about sex even they don’t want to explain clearly to make their children understand because they assume that the time is not yet appropriate. Then when is the perfect time to tell the children about sex education?

“According to the WHO, sex education for children should be imparted (v : disampaikan) at the age of 12 and above”. It means that we should introduce sex education step by step to the children to build good understanding and of course this should appropriate to family religion.

It cannot be denied that religion has a big role in controlling how far we should know about sex before married and after married in order something that we do not want will not happen such as MBA (Married by Accident), abortion, HIV/AIDS and so on. 1. Do you think sex education is important? 2. Why everyone shall know about sex education? 3. Sex and sexy almost same, how could you differ it? 4. Where do you get your first sex education? (individually will be different) 5. How many methods do you know to introduce sex education to the children? 6. Which methods is the best one to introduce it to the children? 7. Between family and school, which one has main role to introduce sex education to the children? 8. Do you think pornographic material could help to introduce sex to the children? 9. What tools is needed to introduce sex to the children? 10. Do you think that our curriculum is correct in sex education learning process? 11. Have you ever learn about sex education in your own religion? 12. What the children will get from knowing about sex education early? 13. No sex until getting married, do you agree with this statement?

1. Do you think sex education is important?
2. Why everyone shall know about sex education?
3. Sex and sexy almost same, how could you differ it?
4. Where do you get your first sex education? (individually will be different)
5. How many methods do you know to introduce sex education to the children?
6. Which methods is the best one to introduce it to the children?
7. Between family and school, which one has main role to introduce sex education to the children?
8. Do you think pornographic material could help to introduce sex to the children?
9. What tools is needed to introduce sex to the children?
10. Do you think that our curriculum is correct in sex education learning process?
11. Have you ever learn about sex education in your own religion?
12. What the children will get from knowing about sex education early?
13. No sex until getting married, do you agree with this statement?

Picture : http://www.dailystar.com.lb
by Aslan Irunsah, S.Si | HEC’s co-founder
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1 comment:

  1. nowdays education have the important role, almost every parent give the wide room to the teacher to explain tabbo things to their child,
    and then, today our children more spend their time at school than at house and sometimes children more believe to their friends than thier mam or dad. so I tihnk sex education is very important.
