ME Talk! at "45" University

After going through such a really hard time, ME Talk! Mobile English Talkshow was finally conducted for the first time. "45" University successfully became the first host university for this program. This program is aimed to give a clearer picture of how important learning english is. As of now, even though many people think that english is necessary but only a little of whom do learn english. Diffuculty, method in teaching, and the cost they have to spend have been the excuses for not keenly learning english.

Attending this talkshow were almost 100 students who mostly come from "45" University. They passionately listened to speaker's talks hoping that they would be inspired and they were! The four speakers talked in turn and successfully changed the audience's perception about learning english. Those speakers are Muhammad Boeharto (co-founder of HEC), Megawati Annas (Youth Exchange -PPAN- Malaysia), Muhammad Arifin Amir, S.S (Chairman of PERTUNI, The Indonesian Association of Blinds, SulSel), and Rampeng, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Head of English Department of Education, "45" University). The topic was about the urgency of English in the globalization era.

"English is unique. Both learning and teaching it, you need a personal different approach". Rampeng said during her talk responding to a question from the audience. she conveyed that the reason why many people especially students get bored or even show bad manner during their english class is because the way the materials delivered. Teachers or lecturers tend not to eye students' enjoyment during the class. As a result, they are not keen to learn or even worse sleep in the class because of the boring teaching method applied by the teachers or lectures.

Mega added that as long as you enjoy learning english, it will never be as difficult as you think now. As one of the alumni of Youth Exchange, she suggested that students must at least be able to communicate with people using english. They don't have to be that smart at english. As long as people can understand what you are talking about and so can you, then you can communicate. One funny story comes from her experience during her stay in Malaysia. She once asked a Malaysian with whom she stayed to give a spoon. "Can you give me SENDOK (spoon .red)"? and then the Malaysian came with a ladle in her hand. Mega then realized that even though Indonesian and Malaysian are cognate nations but their languages are way much different. So, by english as an international language, we can then resolve the miscommunication that might be happened around us.

Both Rampeng and Mega, they successfully managed to give a brighter picture of being an english stundet. However, the audience were so hypnotized when Arifin whose sight is categorized as low vision started to talk. They could barely wink their eyes looking at Arifin's zeal. Arifin asserted that despite his low vision, he passionately run towards what he really wants. He never stops going after his goals, no matter how discourage-ful the society's treats to him. Arifin, who has also been to some countries like Australia and Malaysia, attested that you (the audience) should actually be more enthusiastic and capable than me. "You all have normal eyes whereas I'm blind, if can, so can you" he expressed.

What Arifin said was true. Considering the number of English community that provides free English services, there is no excuses for students to reluctantly study. "We found this community to accomodate those who want to learn English delightly and of course freely" Boe uttered. Being a part of a community is unbelievably able to improve and strenghten our english competency. Moreover, we can also develop our network which of course is extremely useful for our lives.

So, as a part of Makassar city which is soon going to be an International city, we have to be well-prepared to facing the globalization era. By learning English, we have contributed to our society's development.

Reporter : Naskar F. Hansam

Thanks goes to Surya, Sofyan and Arjun from "45" University who have gladly served us during the ME Talk!

left to right : Megawati Annas (PPAN - Malaysia), Rahmat J. (Host), Arjun (Chairman of Student Assocation of English, "45" University), Rampeng, S.Pd., M.Pd., (Head of English Department, "45" University), Muh. Arifin Amir, S.S (Chairman of PERTUNI - SulSel), Muhammad Boeharto (co-founder of HEC)

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