The Impact of Tattoo

Tattoo is a scratch, image or symbol which forms a design on the skin. Tattoo is not only being used in modern life but also since 300 BC when it was used in several ancient tribes such us in Egypt, U.S.A, Asia and Dayak people in Indonesia. Some people think that tattoo is not just as art but also lifestyle. Other people think that tattoo is a symbol of criminality and mischief. This paper will argue that tattoo brings more harm rather than good
Tattoo is a symbol of personal expression. The initial purpose of making tattoo in a hundred years ago was as a symbol or sign. Tattoo can give a personal pride and a symbol of braveness for the owner. Tattoo is also believed as a symbol of beauty, luckiness, social level, adulthood and pride. But in modern life tattoo is also used as an expression of art. It can express one’s personality, art or an important message for himself. Tattoo can even be a special characteristic of someone.

Moreover, tattoo is not good for health and cost much money. Creating tattoo is risky as it causes an allergic because the needle has been used by many other people which makes it not sterile. Even sometimes the ink contains of dangerous ingredients/components. The needle used in creating tattoo is one of the tools that can cause HIV/AIDS for tattoo user.  Tattoo is permanent, therefore it will not easy to be removed. The tattoo cannot be removed completely from the skin and moreover, the price will be very expensive to remove it.
Tattoo is not a permanent style and also expresses a bad look. It is known that style is always changes as well as tattoo. For now, tattoo is something cool, trendy and a life style, but in a couple of years later tattoo can be outdated. After several years the image will fade out and appear only pieces of the image. Tattoo is probably good for someone for 22 years old. But, for 50 years old person tattoo will become something strange. Although tattoo is a personal expression, there are still many people who think that someone who has tattoo is naughty. They even think that person with tattoo is a criminal.
To sum up, whether having tattoo or not is a personal choice. But before making tattoo there are many things that must be considered such us the sterilize of needle and the ink. Tattoo can become something beautiful and on the other side it can be dangerous.But having tattoo doesn’t mean naughty or criminal. People cannot judge whether someone is good or bad just because he has tattoo on his skin.

Written by : ZakiaKhyadhanielzaskia – Universitas Muslim Indonesia
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