Tell Me How To Reach Your Dream

Everybody has dream. The dream that I define as ideas or what you want to be in the future that you like to be and proud of that. The dream that might be come from your passion, needs, hobby or educational background. Our dream should not be related with our major, it might be different.

Now, we are go to discuss how is your way to catch the dream. Dream has a wide definition. It might be favorable place in heaven, happiness, rich, or whatever. But now let me simplify that definition into dream as craved job (pekerjaan dambaan).  Craved job might be businessman, civil servant, professional workers. It might be in our beloved country or in abroad. It might private or state ownership. Whatever it is, we need a process to get it in. Since we still young, we still have much time to learn and plan the strategy.
Let me tell you guys based on student perception. Now, getting job is not easy.We need much skill that can “market” ourselves. Academic and basic knowledge won’t be enough. In 2014, based on Indonesian Statistic Center (BPS) Data, There are 7.39 million people are jobless and 398.298 among them are educated jobless that graduate from Bachelor, magistrate, or doctoral degree. Getting a job is very competitive and it needs special strategy.
The government stated that the scholar must have competency and supported skill (quoted from AFTA is officially launched this year, it can be an opportunity because it will easy to work in abroad, but it also can be a threat because the labor could from all of south-east asia countries that make it more competitive. It is worsened by new president regulation that will postpone the selection of civil servant and it probably five years ( While being entrepreneur is not an easy way. It needs much capital, good mentality and effort.
Based on that facts, we must realize that we should be ready to face the real competition. A planning is crucial step. Jusuf kalla said that good result is determined by good planning and strategy. Now, we must stop to waste our time “excessively” on movie, game, hanging out, or phone calling. Start to study hard and say no to drugs.

Written by : Zulkhaedir Purwanto | Universitas Hasanuddin 
It is had been discussed on 23th January 2015

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