As one form of human effort in facilitating the work to meet the needs, human never stop evolving (V/mengembangkan) technology through theirconsciousness (N/kesadaran) in everything related to the fulfillment (N/pemenuhan) of primary, secondary, and tertiary needs.So that the technology penetrated (V/menembus) in some areas that are closely related to human needs. The more diverse (Adj/beragam) type of human needs, the faster the rate of technology developes.
The primary need is the top priority of every human need, one of the primary needs is food. In response to the food, a country faces a challenge that is known for food resilience. A country can be said to achieve the goals to food resilience (N/ketahanan) if it has been able to meet the three pillars of food resilience. They are the availability of food,the affordability (N/kemampuan untuk mencapai)to food, and the quality of the food.

The first pillar of food resilience lies on the availability of food.Food availability describes the sense of how the ability of a state to provide sufficient (Adj/cukup) food for its people, from national to sub-national levels (e.g. regional, district, community, etc). This pillar has to be backed-up (V/dikuatkan) by the ability a country to make use of their potential land and resource in producing food.The second pillar is the affordability of food.This gives a sense of how society's ability to get the food that has been provided by the state.It is strongly associated with economic condition. The third is the quality of the food.It gives the sense of food that will be consumed influence people's health.
At present humans are facing great challenges in the quality and quantity of food. When viewed in the perspective of agricultural cultivation, the quality and quantity of food decrease.None other happens more than the negative impact of environmental degradation caused by the utilization of technologies that are not environmentally friendly. This sort of (kind of) technology has increased the environmental contamination that requires changing plant physiology activity in order to prevent life from destruction (N/kerusakan). Change is exactly what causes the food situation throughout the world. It does not conform (V/menyesuaikan) to what is expectedto.
One of problems that can be put to the floor is BioEnergy. As one of the efforts to create an environmentally friendly technology, various countries such as Brazil, US, and other countries in Europe have been working out to increase the use of plant as a source of energy called BioEnergy. This is a significant progress in the energy combined with ecological use as well as an irony to food security and sustainability because the plant is used as raw material to create energy in which plant in the same time becomes the core (N/inti) of human life in the world. Therefore BioEnergy is a threat (N/ancaman)against human food resilience in the future.

However, the scientists in this field are still trying to minimize the amount of losses that will come to the manufacture of new energy technologies. By calculating the usefulness and risks, it can create a variety of new technologies that can reduce the negative impact of technology invention.

Written by : Muh. Khaeran Ali (Geophysics- Hasanuddin University)
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