Political Issue

Politic news has become number one topic among the other. It can be seen from all of the media in Indonesia which is talking about it. It is like sugar surrounded by ants. In fact, almost every year the development of this issue increase rapidly. It proves that politic is very important in this country. This paper will explain about phenomena of politic in Indonesia.

Politic issue is heard every year and become trending topic in society. Because politic issues are interesting to discuss, either its doers or the politic organization. In society, politic issues have become an obligatory thing to do like breakfast.  Politic issues very important especially if it is with other issues, such as the issues of natural disaster or issues about public health.

People do not only discus about politic but also become politician. Becoming politician in politic world will give many advantages rather than just discussing about politics. One of advantages when people involve world is having much money.

It is undeniable that a political issue has become one of the informations that always appear in the mass media. According to the data presented by Indonesia’s communications director, Rustika Herlambang on republika.co.id, that reports about political issues increased rapidly in 2014, which approximately 12.5 % of all the news in Indonesia is dominated by news about political issues. Therefore, mass media in Indonesia itself has been dominated by political issues.

Recently political issues have become the most searched news in Indonesia. Beside that political news attracts people to involve. Politic influence in Indonesia is very strong. Politics has become a primary needs and inseparable from social life.

By Recky Mokoginta | Executive Board | reckymokognita@ymail.com

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