Is E-book Better Than A Print Book ?

Nowadays, it's a modern era where technology is more developed. Technology provides many applications especially used in android operating sytems on smartphone. One of them is e-book, an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using personal computer, laptop, smartphone which provides a lot of tittles on smartphone. The phenomenon of e-book android application on smartphone helps everyone live easier and simpler. Therefore, this essay will present why people want to use e-book as his reading material then why there are some people who prefer to read by using a print book with some reasons.

E-book is simple, easy to download and it provides many types of books for smartphone users. It can be accessed and downloaded easily by buying internet provider packet daily, weekly, or monthly packet or even free to download in the place which provides free Wi-Fi service such as in campus, reading room, or in cafe. Many websites provide free e-book such as, and etc.
Some people begins to leave a print book and turn into e-book without thinking to bring many types of book in their bag. By using e-book, people will find it simple to bring book in smartphone. We can read a lot of titles which we already download and it depends on our passion. Also, now there are some Android Smartphones which are not too expensive to buy and it depends on its specification and brand. So everyone can buy it.
In other hand, somebody claims a print book is still better than e-book. There are also some people who still want to use a print book as their reading material because they assume if they buy book by using their own money, they will be more motivated to read continuously rather than if they borrow our friends’ book sometimes they are lazy or even they forget to read it, moreover e-book which is free.
I personally choose a print book as my reading material and it is still better than e-book because if I buy it with my own money I will be more motivated to read until finish. However, both of them have plus and minus. E-book on Android is cheap but firstly we need much money to buy Smartphone then a print book is sometimes expensive but it can motivate us to always read. It would be better if we have both and it depends on our money and passion.
By:  Rahmat Jumari | Coordinator HRD of HEC |

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