Depicting The Jeopardy of Internet Prostitution on Facebook

Facebookplaces in the highest rank of used by all people in this world. Therefore Facebook is a an effective media to use keeping in touch with family, friends who are far away, or finding new acquaintances. Inside Facebook world, many communities offer  varied kinds of activities, we can easily receive many updated information instantly. However, many disadvantages are delivered from this most popular social media.Considering the negative impact it brings, Republic of China has  banned the use of facebook in their internet service.One of the most negative one is prostitution.
Recently, prostitution in Facebook becomes the hottest issue that world people talk about.Since Facebook has become worldwidely-known, bussiness of prostitution can be done internationally, no more borders that lie over the dangerous bussiness.

Prostitution is a crime, a sexual slavery, which can threat and bring citizens in Indonesia to access easily than before because it has spredover the Facebook rapidly. Quoted from Jakarta, According to Police General Office in Jakarta, prostitution ring is offering sexual service to customers through the use of a Facebook fitures.  Almost of the perpetrators of this crime are acted by teenagers, not only as the perpetrators but also as the victims who can be trapped in this hazardous ring.Furthermore, police has arrested students, aged around 16 to 17 years that suspected as the victim who are persuaded to take part.The reason why this happens because the tendency of bad effect from Facebook, friends on Facebook who commit such a cursed business, one of the whorst of Facebook friendship can bring, let alone other crimes like drugs, human trafficking, child abuse, fraud, etc.

This case makes parents should feel worry because all children, especially those actively interacting with internet in their daily activities, can potentially experience the bad impact of the biggest social media around the world. So, parents have to keep themseleves  aware of  the risk from the internet prostitution through facebook and other social media and increase protection and supervision for their children using internet. This reality makes us realize that how dangerous Facebook can run young generation’s psychology and the way of their thinking from this prostitution ring. 
Written By Hartina Mahardika : Executive Board 

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