I think this is a very common, old, and repetitive topic to discuss but at least this can be a strong warning for us. As we know that Indonesia is currently in a rainy season and some provinces including Aceh, East Java, and West Java, and of course, South Sulawesi are inundated (v=banjir) due to very high intensity rainfalls. One of the regions that has been prevalent (adj=lazim) with flood is Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi. Residents of Makassar are soon threatened again with flooding in November, December, and early 2013 when the rainy season arrives. Ups, it’s happening. Just now, rain hit Makassar again and submerged (v= several settlement (n=pemukiman) areas and roads. Floods were actually triggered (v=dipicu) by incessant (adj=terus menerus) rains over the past few days.
Some housing areas were affected by this heavy rainfall i.e Panakukang Toddopuli, Dewi, and Bumi Tamalanrea. Roads which were submerged included Nusantara, Bandang, and Monginsidi streets. Hasanuddin University and its surrounding also had their spare of flood. Dept. of Public Works (Dinas PU) Makassar informed some areas which prone to (ajd=rawan) flooding in south and east part of the city i.e Jl Malengkeri III, Jl Andi Tonro, Jl Rappo-rappo, Jl Bontomene, Jl Pelita Raya, Kompleks IKIP, Jl Racing Center, Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan, and Jl Antang.
Actually the main reason why Makassar has been always a good company (n=teman) with flood is because the drainage condition is no longer able to accommodate the rainfall and quite heavy water discharge (n=debit air). Often, drainage is found in poor condition and filled by sediment (n=endapan) so that it shallows. Furthermore, the drainage system is often blocked out by garbage which obstructs (v=menghalangi) the flood water to subside (v=surut). With this condition, it’ll be very difficult for Makassar to get rid of (v=menyingkirkan) this flood problem which often haunts the residents.
Flood doesn’t only induce (v=menyebabkan) submergence of areas but also raises health disorders. We would expect many diseases during this rainy season. Children and old folks would feel sick easily. Proper sanitary system and access to affected – areas are eminently (adv=sangat) needed.
Regarding to this issue, Makassar government has only been successfully rehabilitating 59 point of hundreds drainage this year, lie in 14 districts. This is due to the very limited funds. Anyway, flood problem shouldn’t be only government’s concern. We, as residents, are also expected to assist the city government, well at least cleaning our gutters (n=selokan).
However, in fact, it is truly tough to encourage the residents to have environmental awareness. Even though we often ask them to clean our surroundings, they tend to ignore and deny us bad. When the flood comes, they then go, in droves (adv=berbondong-bondong), find some tools to clean the garbage blocking out the gutters. Why don’t they just do that before the flood comes? Anyway, just do whatever you can do to conserve our environment. You’ll never know that the little things you do may have a huge impact to our salvation.
by Naskar Hansam | Hasanuddin University
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