Election Affects The Economic Condition of Indonesia

Election of legislative members for legislative assembly or house of representative of Indonesia had just finished several days ago we are still waiting for the result of it, and in the next several months we will choose our president and vice president to lead Indonesia for next five years. Who will be the president and vice president still on debate, all candidates are good to be elected because they have same promises to develop the nation and make people become more prosperous but people will choose the best according to their own opinion, and whoever who will lead Indonesia later hopefully will contribute positively to economic condition.

A couple hour after the announcement of Jokowi as the president candidate from Indonesian Democrate Party for Struggle some stocks in Jakarta stock market were increasing. Some entrepreneurs decided to buy some stock in stock exchange because they believed the economic condition of Indonesia will be better after the president election next few months also to anticipate the interest of other investors to buy the same stock. They realize who is faster he is the winner; this concept is applied in dealing with stock in stock exchange. This is a positive signal that the rate of exchange rupiah versus American dollar will be more stronger and it is no close possibility many investors will come to Indonesia to invest their money for some projects.

If the signal is right, then, Indonesia will be truly one of tiger of Asia after Japan, China, India, and Singapore. According to ministry of commerce that some companies ready to expand their business by building up a new factory in Indonesia like Daihatsu that plans to build a new factory in Java. It realizes that the interest of people to buy a new car will be increased in the following year and to reduce cost of distribution, also PT. Sidomuncul, one of biggest company in Indonesia, ready to build a new factory in South Sulawesi with the same reason. They will spend a million dollar to build their factories and this, of course, will absorb many employees to run the business and once again will reduce the poverty.

German government trough its chancellor came to South Sulawesi last few months to discuss about an opportunity to invest some amount of money for some projects especially about building up underground railway and its train to reduce traffic jam. Also the chancellor said that Makassar has several similarities with one of countries in Germany. Besides that, some experts from Dutch met with the new mayor of Makassar last January in Open Science Meeting, Dani Pamanto, to discuss about the development of the city. They offered an opportunity to cooperate with and they would support the mayor on making Makassar as a world city.

No wonder if many entrepreneurs today are always looking for the development of politics situation in Indonesia especially after it is decided who are the president and vice president of Indonesia to make a possible investment. Whomsoever who become the president and vice president of Indonesia either Joko Widodo, Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Radjasa, or Abu Rizal Bakri-Wiranto, people put their hope they will have a better life after.Hopefully!

by Aslan Irunsah | Founder of HEC | aslan.irunsah@gmail.com

Picture :  http://www.thecoast.ca

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