Is Grade Point Average (GPA) Important ?

GPA is a grade point average for student at university.  Every student who get the highest GPA score will be awarded as the best student. Many students think that GPA is everything. Whereas, in the other place like placement office, it is not really needed. Therefore, this paper will discuss about rule of GPA in academic education and finding a job. 

GPA is very important for student in the academic education. Student must keep their GPA score. Because high score of GPA will give a chance for the student to get scholarship from university or other institutions.  it  makes the student easy to continue their education in a prestigious  university. Low score in GPA make student cannot take many Semester Credit System (SCS) and finish their study faster and  it will be worse  if they get drop out (DO)  from  university.

However, GPA does not guarantee student to get a job. It is  just  pre requirement  to apply  a job. Without a good skill, the student will difficult to find a job in the company, government institution, and other working  places. Many students have a good GPA but when they are interviewed to get a job, they are difficult to answer the question from interviewer. Because world job not only need a high score of GPA but also skills and job experience.

Furthermore, a high GPA can guarantee the student to have a good comprehension skill. Many students in university get a high GPA but the fact, their knowledge and mastery of the material are not equal with their GPA. They just focus with high score. So that, many of them look for the way how to get a high GPA, whether with a good way or not. They do not care about the material, and how to apply and practice the material in the society. When interviewed, they are hesitated to answer. It is different with some students who get a low score in GPA , they can answer the question certainly and experienced. Not all student who get low GPA have a bad comprehension or skill.

GPA is result of study  which only obtained in the university. Have a good GPA is important but in work place more important have a good skill and wide comprehension. Therefor , we can say that  high GPA does not guarantee student get a job. Because the essentials of world job  are  the skills and experience of a student who is able to deliver to get a job properly.

By Herianti |

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