Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is also called as a day of love, a day where lovers and those who are in love declare their love especially in the Western World. Valentine’s day is dominated by pink hearts and arrows. In the United States, Valentine’s Day is showed by greeting “Happy Valentine’s” spoken by a boy to a girl, or anyone else. But for Muslims, the celebration of Valentine’s Day is highly forbidden. It is because Valentine’s Day is an ancient Roman religious ceremony which is filled with paganism. Therefore, this paper will explain how a Valentine’s phenomenon that has been attached to majority of mankind, especially the youth.

Valentine’s actually is a Catholic monk was sentenced to death by the emperor Claudius II because he opposed the rule which prohibit the young roman to make relationship and marry because the young roman will sent to war. On 14th February when he will behead, St. Valentine’s took time to write a message to a girl by love. That message was changed everything. Now every 14th February people in various parts of the world celebrate it as a day of love. People who celebrate it remember St. Valentine’s as a warrior of love. This is sometimes misunderstood by the majority of mankind.
Valentine’s day is a day where most of people use this moment for saying something with their affections to their partner but, most of them are teenagers. And on the Valentine’s day, many teenagers make a mistake. But they would say everything just because "VALENTINE or LOVE" really it is very sad. Do you think affection just showed by a single day???
And the virus of Valentine’s has spread not only to Christian people, but also a lot of Muslims. The celebration of Valentine’s nothing in the teachings of Islam. If talking about the day of love, every day is a day of love, but in reality many people don’t know what Valentine’s is but they just follow that celebration because they don’t want to be left behind.
Looking at the phenomenon that has been there and has happened, only because of Valentine’s, a girl is willing to give her honor without thinking the result of her actions, imagine??? only in one night, many teens commit indecent action because of Valentine’s day. There are some effects of the valentine’s virus:
Þ  When Valentine’s day is coming, if someone still don’t have a partner (jomblo), they will feel unconfident,
Þ  Cost of Valentine’s sometimes beyond our ability, for example: buying expensive chocolates and gifts but they willingly buy those with any way, etc……
In conclusion, it has been narrated from Ibn 'Umar "Those who imitate a community of people so he included it."
by Dwi Febri | Human Resources Departemen of HEC|

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