The study about the blood type has
been widespread in all over the world. In some advanced countries in Asia like
Japan and Korea, the blood type becomes more influencing in some ways because
they believe that there are relations between the blood type and an
individual personality. Therefore, the Japanese and Korean institution often consider
blood type in hiring employee, deciding a group leader, and even of finding
future spouse through
matchmaking agencies. Although the study about blood type and personalities remain scientifically
unproven, it is still popular due to its resemblance to people personalities.
Furthermore, not only in deciding
someone’s personality, for some institutions in this world researching about
the blood type also gives useful information in the medical side. There has been plenty of research explained
about the relation between the blood type and personal health. The researchers
have been working out to reveal the secret of the blood type and the relation with health risk for
several diseases. This paper will discuss about the categorization of the blood
type in the personalities along with the blood type in medical aspect.
The first discussion starts from
people with the A blood type who tends to be earnest, reserved, patient, punctual, trustworthy and perfectionist persons, but they are also obsessive
and stubborn. Those in A type have such high standards (perfectionists) that
they easily get stressed when they could not accomplish their goals. It is
already explained in medical study that the people with the A blood type are
more likely to have higher levels of stress hormone in their body which weaken their immunity
system. Therefore, the A has high risk for several types of cancer such as
gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer and they also more prone to be severe from malaria and smallpox infections.
Secondly, people with the blood
type Bare considered to be creative, passionate, optimistic, flexible, and outgoing persons, but they
are also forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered. However those with B type
are goal oriented and strong minded persons that they will finish everything
they started. In medical side, the people with B type have an 11 percent
increase in risk of heart disease over those with the O type. Recently, the
study in Harvard University also found that those with the B type have a raised
risk in developing ovarian cancer.
Thirdly, people with the blood typeAB
tend to be cool, controlled, rational, adaptable, and empathic persons, but
they are also critical, aloof, and indecisive.
In the medical side, the people with type AB have a 23 percent increased risk
of heart disease over those with type O. The study about blood type in the
journal neurology also found that those with type AB blood have higher risk in
cognitive difficulties, specifically in memory recall, language and attention
than those with other blood types.
Fourthly, people with the blood
type O tend to be confident, strong-willed, intuitive, and self-determined
persons, but they are also cold, insensitive, and unpredictable. Type O are
outgoing and very social, they are initiators and natural leaders although they
don’t always finish what they start. Research from Sweden’s Karolinska
Institute found that people with type O are more vulnerable(adj. mudah diserang) to a bacterium that can cause
peptic ulcers. Type O also has increased risk of cholera. Fortunately, another research
from Edinburg University London found that people with type O are resistant to
the tropical disease such as malaria.
To sum up, every human has
strength and weakness, all they have to do is to accept and love theirs by
keeping their healthiness. One way to be healthy is by knowing the blood type
tendencies, so an individual can know the health risk of their body and avoid
something negatives happened to their body.
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